Get started

Make the SMART choice, and choose the plan that best suits your needs. Whether you’re a buyer or an owner, our plans cover all your needs and then some.

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Higher bidding

We give you a chance to outbid your competitors by providing you with access to energy savings implementable post-purchase, giving you an insight into the entire value of your building.

Energy savings

Implementing our AI’s suggestions will result in a significant decrease in energy waste and an overall more cost-efficient use, making your building that much more eco-friendly.

NOI increase

The energy you save has a significant impact on your NOI. The more you save and the better you optimize your system, the more it will grow, turning what was once a waste into a significant new revenue source.

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Here's what to expect next


Our sales team will review the information submitted and get back to you within two business days. Please keep an eye out for an email from


If you would like to preschedule a time with us, please click here and select from our available times.


To expedite your sales review, you may sign up for any the three plans listed here. We'll contact you at the email address on the payment form.

See plans

Thank you — The Carbon Lighthouse Team

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